Monday, March 1, 2010

Taking on the small ones...

It's been put on my heart for awhile... and for once in my life, I feel like following my heart more than ever... stepping out of the box and going for it. After a few blogs ago about my little cousin and her being at the "impressionable" age, her and her sister have been on my mind constantly. And then after the sermon this week at church I have finally decided its something I desire so much to do... Minister to them. I've been so about "getting involved" lately but didn't know where to start. Then it hit me... like a ton of tons... I've had an open opportunity sitting right here staring me in the face for the longest of times.

I called both of them tonight and talked to them. I offered to them to start a bible study... just for girls. 2 Fridays a month they, and some of their friends, can come over eat dinner and we just talk and have a small bible study in the midst of the fun. I remember that meaning so much to me at their age. To have someone older than me want to take me in and spend time with me, wanna know me, be a positive influence on me. I thought I was hot stuff when that kinda thing came about. Being that age (6th-middle school age) was not easy for me. And I imagine it's not for them either. But one thing I have learned and that has stuck with me for so long is those were the years when I had those mentors, when I learned the most about what it means to be a daughter of our loving Lord. And I want them to walk away knowing how loved they are, how beautiful they are, that life isn't always easy but they always have someone there for them. It seems like heartbreaks start so much younger these days too... and I'm not here to try to prevent them (we all know I'm no good at it myself and we know that I can't make that happen...) but at least to help be a guide in how to handle it Christ like.

So... I'm asking all to keep me their prayers. That I might speak only His words, show only His actions, and be nothing but a reflection of Him to these girls as I take on their young hearts, young minds, and impressionable years. I'm excited to doing this, especially for 2 of the most special girls in my life. I love them like little sisters and to hear them say how much they look up to me has meant the world in the past and caused me to strive to be a better person and present myself in a Godly-womanly manner. And pray for them, for they are so young and have so much ahead of them in life. That God will direct them and keep theirs paths straight, their hearts and minds pure and focused on Him and not that of their worldly desires.

It all starts this Friday night (fingers crossed). And for the journey ahead... to Him all be the glory and honor, Amen.

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