Saturday, February 20, 2010

You get a new life, and you get a new life, and you get a new life...

Sounds like "you get a car, and you get a car..." Funny how life can be a new life without ever leaving a place and not changing much, except for a few minor things such as how you spend the first hour of your morning, or the first one you go to with a problem, or how you even react in a situation.

I was thinking hard today about all the things I want to do with this "new life." It's not that I haven't had the "new life" feeling before. I've had to start over many a times. But this time is different. The way I see things is differently and this time I'm striving harder than ever to make the "new life" work and not go back to where I was before. It's a new beginning... and every morning is a new start with a new conversation and a new prayer and new part of me that I didn't know existed before. Like I said when I started this blog thing... I'm learning things about myself that I never knew... and I thought I knew me pretty well.

On another note... I so totally woke up this morning with that "you get a new life" repeating over and over in my head... and I so badly wanted to say "So God... does this mean "you get a new car" too?".... yeah didn't think so. :) And I'm sure He totally laughed when I thought that...

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